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Halloween/Horror Mystery 6 pack Bag

Halloween/Horror Mystery 6 pack Bag

-Price per fabric tumblercut bag is $28.00 plus shipping

-These designs will only be available through this Mystery bag, I will not sell these separately later. They will be considered exclusive to the mystery pack 🙂

-you can order as many bags as you want

-keep in mind they are a mystery but this is a mystery you will not want to miss

-You will get 6 different mysteries fabric tumblercuts. There is only 6 different designs so if you buy more than one bag then it will allow you to have multiple of the same fabric tumblercuts.

-there is a limited number so first come first serve.

-they will ship out right away!

-First come first serve.

-Discount codes DO NOT apply to these mystery packs.

-if I have packs left over bags after they come in then those will be for sale for 30.00 plus shipping.

    $28.00 Regular Price
    $18.00Sale Price
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